A Guide to the Design Process of EV Codes

by Michael M.

If you are an expert in the electrical and building sector, then you should be aware of the fact that EV is a standard building code in place, and it is currently available in several cities. But, do you have the money or building resources for this type of building and construction design? Have you assessed the increasing demand for these codes in your surrounding? In this blog post, experts offer their opinion on how an EV contactor can support the electricity mobility movement while saving money at the same time.

Over three million EVs are currently on the roads across the world. More than 100 new models will be out in the next year, with about 20 percent of cars sold having electric motors. Therefore, electrical engineers like you should be ready to accommodate the vehicles in their parking lots in the coming years.  

Failing to prepare will have a considerable impact on the actual costs of maintenance, thereby compromising the company’s customer relationships by piling up unexpected costs.

Building codes are reliable sets of various rules that help govern the standards for the nature in which residential buildings should be constructed.

EV Ready codes vary by region. However, it demands that new building construction is used to prepare a particular portion and space of parking spot for EV charging to receive installation later in the future.

This supports sustainability objectives in several ways.

EV Ready buildings need codes that can play a significant role in encouraging the EV adoption of codes. They do not always need EV charging stations for installation processes at the parking lot.

Rather, these building codes can demand that a different structure’s electrical capacity is ready to be installed when there is a rise in demand. EV ready buildings requirements are as follows:

· EV stations installed at certain angles of parking lots.

· A certain percentage of spots designed to fit the EV building code demands

· Electrical panels should be labeled with EV ready material and positioned strategically to fit into certain charging spots.

· The electrical panels with EV cables should be ready and then positioned exactly where people will be walking.

· The preparation for certain EV charging elements at percentages of parking spots especially in commercial buildings

· The installation of a wire needed to channel electricity into charging spots

When a building is not EV ready, then the owner should be ready to engage in expensive retrofitting while incorporating different electrical capacity cables to install some EV charging.

The costly process may take multiple weeks while delaying the charging availability and taking away time from the lucrative projects surrounding the people.

Constructing the EV ready building from the beginning is usually a better approach in the commercial sector because it is relatively affordable.

Final Thoughts

The images above will help you plot the total cost of construction alongside the growth in parking needs as well as savings in time for a new building. As the total number of buildings grows, the demand for charging escalates. This has a direct impact on the cost of retrofitting too.

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