Processes Involved In CNC Machining And Custom Parts

by Michael M.

Custom machining is the process of making custom parts, mostly with the use of CNC machines. Custom parts are parts designed specifically for the customers, based on their needs and requirements. On the other hand, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining is the process of automatically controlling tools such as drills, lathes, and 3D printers to create custom machined parts. CNC machining involves the use of computer programs and automated machine tools. The programs instruct the tools on what to while and the tools execute the instructions.

Processes in CNC Machining

There are 3 processes involved in machining. These processes include; turning, drilling, and milling.

1. Turning: the turning process involves the use of cutting tools, the lathe to be precise to create exact but active prototypes and finally, custom machined parts with cylindrical features. In this process, the cutting tools go in the linear motion while the workpiece rotates. Also, this process can be done manually or automatically but the latter is most preferred since continuous supervision is not required. With CNC machining, the turning process is even easier, as the motion, speed, and instructions are programmed into a computer, and eventually sent to the lathe to carry out the action.

2. Drilling: here, a tapping machine or drilling press can be used for the drilling. However, a milling machine can also do the job in the absence of the other tools. The drilling process is important as it helps to create a hole in the workpiece and this prevents drifting. There are different types of drilling bits, they are;

· Peck drilling

· Spotting drills

· Chucking reamers

· Screw machine drills

3. Milling: the milling process helps to cut out materials from the workpiece with the help of multi-point rotary cutters. The milling process is divided into two, the face milling and peripheral milling. The peripheral milling cuts deep slots, gear teeth, and threads while the face milling cuts flat-bottomed cavities and flat surfaces in the workpiece. The milling process, however, is considered as a finishing process or secondary process used to add holes, pockets or contours to already machined workpiece.

Advantages of Custom Machining

1. Custom machining allows you to create unique and special parts for your business, eliminating competition.

2. With this process, old parts can easily be recreated to give you the best results.

3. It allows parts to be created, repaired, and modified without relying on others.

4. When you have custom machined parts, the stress of pre-ordering for parts and waiting for their arrival will be reduced.

5. Custom machining allows you to have consistent product quality.


In today’s world, custom machining is made possible with CNC machines and as such, one term cannot be discussed fully without the other. Therefore, CNC and custom machining can be defined as the process of creating custom machined parts. The importance of having these parts or equipment in your industry or factory cannot be overemphasized as it does not only increase productivity but it helps to reduce the competition.

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